Accredited by The Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Holy Cross High School is a comprehensive high school. Students are encouraged to select courses based on individual abilities, achievement, and goals within the limits of the specialized graduation requirements. Choice in sequence is based on standardized testing, teacher recommendations, and counseling assistance. Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses are available in English, American History, Calculus, Science, and Art.
Special care and emphasis should be used in selecting college preparatory courses. Career Technology courses are offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors at the Lackawanna County Career Technology Center on half-day sessions.
This curriculum guide is provided to the student and parent as an aid and guide to assist you in selecting courses for the next school year. In selecting your courses, please keep in mind the following procedures and requirements:
Of the twenty-six credits, students must carry a course load of at least seven (7) credits per school year.
Holy Cross High School requires students to complete twenty-six (26) credits to be awarded an Academic Diploma upon graduation. Of the twenty-six credits, students must carry a course load of at least seven (7) credits per school year. Holy Cross High School requires students to pass a completed course in Theology for each year in attendance. Students not completing the minimum 26 credits and/or not carrying a course load of seven credits per school year will not be eligible for any academic honors, including being designated class valedictorian or salutatorian.
Each student must pass as a minimum:
Course Title and Credits
Theology: 4 Credits
English: 4 Credits
Mathematics: 4 Credits
Science: 4 Credits
Social Studies: 4 Credits
Arts/Humanities: 2 Credits
Health/Physical Education: 1 Credit
Electives: 3 Credits
Holy Cross offers Advanced Placement courses in all subject areas including:
AP Art & Design
AP Art History
AP Biology
AP Calculus
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Government
AP US History
AP Literature & Composition
AP Language & Composition
Should there be an AP exam that is offered, but Holy Cross HS does not offer a designated course, students may still sit for the exam in May. Please see Mr. Robert Musso for further details on that process.
501 E. Drinker Street, Dunmore, PA 18512
P: 570.346.7541 | F: 570.348.1070
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