The Placement/Scholarship Test (HSPT) will be given on Saturday, November 9, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Holy Cross High School. Please arrive by 8:20 on the day of the exam.
Please be advised:
The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is required of all incoming students into grade 9. Transfers to the upper grade levels are not required to take the HSPT.
The High School Placement Test will be administered in all supporting elementary schools in the Diocese of Scranton School System, and any student not in our feeder schools will be able to take the HSPT on the date listed above.
The test starts at 8:30 A.M. with walk-in registration starting at 8:00 A.M.
Students can pre-register with the form below or by completing and returning the registration form that was part of the open house packet.
Students may also register at the school on the day of the test. Walk-in registration is welcome.
In the event of inclement weather, cancellations will be posted on television stations WNEP-TV, WYOU-TV, and WBRE-TV.
The High School Placement Test is made up of five sections. They are the Cognitive Verbal and Cognitive Quantitative Sections and the Basic Skill Sections of Reading, Mathematics, and Language. The HSPT is a standardized test and the student results will be compared to both local and national scores.
The test takes approximately two hours and forty-five minutes to complete. There is no charge for the test. Results of the test will be used to determine Scholarship awards. Students unable to take the HSPT on any of the scheduled date(s) can take the test at the high school by calling the school to set up a test date.
Transfer students will be considered for admission by calling for an interview appointment. Families should bring with them a copy of their high school transcript and any grades to date, including their present class schedule. Please call the school for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Mrs. Angela Morrison,
Vice Principal
email: amorrison@hchspa.org
Mr. Robert Musso,
Director of Guidance
email: rmusso@hchspa.org
501 E. Drinker Street, Dunmore, PA 18512
P: 570.346.7541 | F: 570.348.1070
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